Super Arrogant Bros. - The Blizzard PR Nightmare
Monday November 5th 2018
Sometimes, something happens that gets Dirk and Stev so fired up for an episode. Sometimes, a company screws up so bad that even the most diehard fans are disappointed. This is one of those times.
If you've been paying attention to the gaming news, you already know what's up. Blizzard announced a mobile game for a series loved by so many PC gamers.
<p>While Blizzard is in damage control mode, the gaming press is also expressing their disdain for the plebs.</p>
<p>You might have also heard of a little game that came out recently called Red Dead Redemption 2. Stev seems to be much more into this than Dirk is so after spending a good deal of time with it, he's able to give some very positive thoughts about it.</p>
Music by TeknoAxe and Messer Chups.