Super Arrogant Bros. - The Disliked Fantasy Games
Monday April 22nd 2019
Last week, we talked about some of our favorite fantasy games but this week? We figured it would be a good idea to talk about the duds. The ones that didn’t quite do it for us.
Some of our picks are games we tried multiple times to get into and at least one is a game we instantly “nope” as we removed the game disc.
At the end of the episode, Stev had a very special and disturbing gift for Dirk. What is it?
We also want to know what fantasy games couldn’t do it for you. Tell us what they are and we’ll talk about them on the next episode.
Music by (TeknoAxe)[], (Iron Minstrel)[] and (The Smash and Grab Ladies)[].
Music by TeknoAxe and Messer Chups.