Super Arrogant Bros. - One Angry Gamer Or One Angry Boomer
Monday September 16th 2019
Do you enjoy having your freedom of speech in your games without some old fart making issues out of a non-problem?
Enter One Angry Gamer who made a name for himself in the GamerGate days. What is he doing now? Crying about the inclusion of a Trans flag and warning us about the problems for our kids as told by someone who doesn't realize that an E for Everyone rating by ESRB doesn't just mean it's a game for kids.
<p>Strap in as we go to Boomertown, USA</p>
<p>Music by TeknoAxe, Iron Minstrel and The Smash and Grab Ladies</p>
<p>Wanna join in to listen as we’re recording? Go to and for $5 per month, you have access to our Discord so you can listen in.</p>
<p>Don’t forget to check out to snag one of our shirts or mugs!</p>x
Music by TeknoAxe and Messer Chups.