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in the Universe
All of the best podcasts in the Universe.
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Zach Waldman Show
Bhad Bhabie Breaks the OnlyFans World Record - $1 million in Six hours
Battle of the Scum!
4 years ago
Chris D'Elia Apology Video
Chris D'Elia is Not a Sex Addict!
4 years ago
Cancel Jimmy Galligan - Mimi Groves is Victim of Social Justice - New York Times Racial Slur
The New York Times Helps Cancel a Teen
4 years ago
Joe Biden's Gun Control Policy is Insane!
Is Joe Biden trying to take your guns? Yes! Will he be able to? Probably not. Join me as I check out the latest opinions.
4 years ago
Tom & Jerry Movie Gives Black Actor the Shaft
Warner Bros. Pictures replaced a black actor with a white one in Tom and Jerry: The Movie, to be released on March 5th, 2021, and people say it’s a clear-cut case of racism and body shaming.
4 years ago
James Bond is Dead
Lashana Lynch confirms she is 007 in No Time to Die
4 years ago
Jeffrey Toobin Sues Zoom for Defamation
New Yorker writer and CNN analyst, Jeffrey “Tube-Steak” Toobin, is suing video sharing platform Zoom for defamation, after passengers on the bus he was riding saw him masturbating, despite him pressing the mute button on his laptop.
4 years ago
Yelp Bans All White Owned Businesses
Yelp banned all white-owned businesses from its website today, citing their inherent and inescapable racism.
4 years ago
California Puts All Its Homeless on Cruise Ships to Save Money!
It's cheaper to put our homeless on cruise ships than to build them housing.
4 years ago
Chrissie Mayr Owns Stuttering John - Chrissie Mayr interviewed Stuttering John Melendez. The first thing I noticed is how puffy John’s face is. He looks like Dizzy Gillespie had a stroke. Since the Tonight Show, his full-time job is shitting on the man who gave him everything good in life.
4 years ago
Driver Plows Through Protesters in Times Square
Thursday night, a car drove through a crowd of postmodern intersectional Marxists, racists, sexists, and brainwashed cult members protesting in Times Square.
5 years ago
Bella Thorne Wrecks OnlyFans
Bella Thorne, aka Mrs. Mxyzptlk, promised the world a peak at what’s between her legs for $200 a pop on OnlyFans, and she made two million dollars in less than a week. We haven’t seen a transfer of wealth like that since the CARES Act. Unfortunately for everybody, she lied, just like the authors of the CARES Act, and merely shared a picture of herself in lingerie.
5 years ago
College Students Demand Refunds!
Colleges and universities are charging students full price, and in some cases, charging them more to attend classes virtually.
5 years ago
Will Seattle Police Department Be Abolished?
The Seattle City Council proposed legislation to abolish their police department because it “perpetuates racism and violence” and upholds “white supremacy culture.”
5 years ago
Challenge Accepted Hashtag Started by a Man!
The hashtag #ChallengeAccepted is trending. It's all about women supporting women by posting black and white photos of themselves. A little known fact is that a man came up with the idea. You're welcome ladies.
5 years ago
Trigger Warning Alliance Team
Federal Agency to Mandate Trigger Warnings
5 years ago
Watch Me Paint Over a BLM Mural!
Juliet Germanotta and Bevelyn Beatty were arrested in NYC for pouring black paint on the BLM mural on the street in front of Trump Tower.
5 years ago
Twitter Hacked Again!
Is it Time to Leave Twitter?
5 years ago
Supreme Court of USA Gives Half Of Oklahoma to Indian Tribe
The Supreme Court of the United States voted to recognize about half of Oklahoma as Indian reservation land
5 years ago
Scott Adams is a Victim of Racism
Scott Adams, creator of the comic strip Dilbert, was fired for being white.
5 years ago
Fireworks Signal Civil War
All over the United States, people are noticing there are more fireworks being set off than ever. What's the reason and who's doing it?
5 years ago
Chris D'Elia is Innocent!
Chris D’Elia was accused of sexually harassing a teenager named Simone Rossi on Twitter six years ago, and now the mob is trying to end his career.
5 years ago
Should Black Owned Businesses Be Guaranteed Retail Space?
The 15% Pledge is asking retailers to guarantee 15% of their shelf space to black owned businesses. What do you think?
5 years ago
Watch Hordes of Las Vegas Tourists Pack Into Casinos Like Sardines
Still worried about Covid?
5 years ago
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