The Best Debate in the Universe - Is all Italian food the same shit? Or put in more neutral terms: is there enough variety in Italian food? This isn't a debate about whether or not you like it, it's about whether or not "food" is plural when it comes to Italian cuisine: IS ITALIAN FOOD ALL THE SAME SHIT?
Monday May 7th 2018
Debate starts at: 9:00. Is Italian food the same shit? Arin Hanson / Egoraptor of the amazing Game Grumps joins us for our big 100th episode! Arin is an old-school animator who now does voiceovers, game commentary and touring. Really great episode on a really great show. It's been an amazing ride and the show has changed a lot over the years. Special thanks to all the fans who've made it possible and Rucka, Ron, Mikey, Taylor, Dreadmere, Jesse P-S, Kirk and the countless guests we've had (almost one new guest per show!). Watch the video version here at Madcast Media Network YouTube channel
Here's the Mad Dog Mcree episode of Game Grumps I mentioned:
Ron Babcock got his promotion this week. Or is it a demotion? I let callers weigh in on the decision. Plus Ron seems to think "pesto" counts as a different type of sauce. Even if you agree, that's still only two types of sauces. Three if you count alfredo, which sucks for days. Three sauces for the cuisine of an entire country. Tell that to India. Junior Journalist Taylor Nikolai brought a shit-ton of news this week. Including a guy who got mauled by a bear while taking a selfie, and his friends or family found it fit to put the video online. Mikey Bolts is out with family stuff. What's that like?!
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And here's my new book, F*ck Whales: Petty essays from a brilliant mind:
And finally here's that Osama Bin Laden Death Day video I made that got my PayPal account restricted for 3 days. Worth it:
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