The Best Debate in the Universe - The Internet used to be kinda cool, then it sucked for a while, then I started a web page and it became very cool, and now it's shit again. What's the worst thing about it? That's the debate this week: WHAT'S THE MOST TOXIC THING ABOUT THE INTERNET?
Monday May 28th 2018
Debate starts at: 6:00. What's the most toxic thing about the Internet? Laci Green joins us to debate this week, named one of Time Magazine's most influential people on the Internet. Laci brings her long and storied history of dealing with the Internet to the debate this week, and we learn that we have a common origin story: Utah. Are we both ex-mormons? You have to listen to find out, or just read the end of this sentence: yes! Plus another awesome fan gift from long-time listener Jen! Really great episode this week. Watch the video version here at Madcast Media Network YouTube channel
Special thanks to our new sponsor,! Madcast Media Network listeners get 20% off their first order with promo code "MADCAST:"
Ron Babcock makes the best fast-food-employee who might be a white nationalist joke in history. Taylor Nikolai got a lot of praise this week, but also his ass blasted on the correct enunciation of "bag." He doubles down, but we "beg" to differ. And ya boi Mikey Bolts is back, puffing those fat vapes!
And here's my new book, F*ck Whales: Petty essays from a brilliant mind:
The headlines this week were about a 50-year-old guy who swims 8 hours a day. What an asshole. If you get to sleep on a sail boat, it doesn't count. That's like running a marathon but taking a week off every month for 2 years. It's a duration contest, not a completion contest. Also a bunch of pirates found a sunken treasure off the coast of Colombia. Nobody has claimed it yet, so I did, just now.
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