The Best Debate in the Universe - Are smartphones making us dumber? Obviously, but some people would disagree with that conclusion, so the debate this week is: ARE SMARTPHONES MAKING US DUMBER OR SMARTER?
Tuesday February 20th 2018
James Creech, CEO of Paladin Software and Dreadmere join the debate this week. Are smartphones making us dumber? Yes, unless you disagree with me, in which case you would be classified as "wrong." Rucka picks a neutral position while Dreadmere and James bring the heat on the "no" side. Watch the video version here at Madcast Media Network YouTube channel
Rucka's opinion is down the middle on this one, which may be the most sensible approach. Mikey Bolts was on fire this episode, plus our most regular guest, president Trump makes an appearance.
Here's the bonus episode for all the winners who want to support the show:
And here's my new book, F*ck Whales: Petty essays from a brilliant mind:
We round out the episode with a Chinese woman who joins her handbag in an x-ray machine. Probably a YouTube prank coming. Plus we cap the show off with a woman who found worms in her eyes. Bet she wishes she voted for birds as the best pet a few episodes back, because birds eat worms, etc. Brilliant.
The voicemail number is: 1-562-58-I-RULE (1-562-584-7853).