Monday July 1st 2019
Debate starts at: 18:05. What’s the goofiest, dumbass regional food? Photographer and writer Igor joins Kirk Wilcox, Ron and I for the debate. Ron brings in a sleeper hit from the mid-west: the Juicy Lucy. Part diarrhea, part second base, it’s a sandwich that will impress nobody. Igor’s pick is an all-time Philly classic: the cheesesteak sandwich. Though I’d go a step further and say that the cheese isn’t the worst part of the meal, it’s the mediocrity. Kirk goes hard on Chinese food and Gyros and I bring in a shitty Utah condiment: “fry sauce,” which isn’t a thing. Watch the video version here at Madcast Media Network YouTube channel
Ron Babcock’s tip this week is fulfilling the promise of last week’s tip: make your own deodorant! Ron made me some that doesn’t have shards of broken glass in it this time. The verdict? Tune in next week to find out.
And here’s my newest book, F*ck Whales: Petty essays from a brilliant mind:
Also if you’ve been waiting to leave us voicemail, you might want to send it in quick because this is our second-to-last episode! Big announcement on this week’s show. If you want to leave a voicemail from another country, join the Facebook group: Maddox University: For Geniuses and Babes who are Geniuses ONLY (or message me on Facebook). You’re welcome.
The voicemail number is: 1-562-58-I-RULE (1-562-584-7853).s