The Best Podcast Network
in the Universe
All of the best podcasts in the Universe.
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The Best Debate in the Universe
What's the most perfect thing about Maddox?
6 years ago
6 years ago
Is universal basic income for pinko commie dipshits?
6 years ago
Are fans too entitled? With TJ Peters, Kirk Wilcox
6 years ago
What's the corniest, dipshit wish? With Bradley Laborman
6 years ago
What's the most garbage breakfast food? Captain Dirk, Kirk Wilcox
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
What's the most bullshit-ass hobby for your bullshit-ass life? TJ Peters, Dreadmere
6 years ago
What is the perfect movie? J Todd Anderson
6 years ago
Do good intentions justify bad outcomes? Dreadmere
6 years ago
Are companies selling us razors or Gillectures? TJ Peters
6 years ago
2019 Predictions with Kirk Wilcox, Dreadmere
6 years ago
Are people you buy gifts for ungrateful douchebags? Lesley Tsina, Christina Hepburn
6 years ago
Is the Internet becoming more full of dipshits? Chad Kultgen
6 years ago
What's the worst city? Mike D, Dreadmere
6 years ago
What's the best way to fix politics? Kirk Wilcox
6 years ago
Is social media making us depressed? Camila Paiva, Dreadmere
6 years ago
Is it possible to be authentic on YouTube? Blaire White
6 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
Dustin Sussman
7 years ago
Ever sit next to a baby on a plane? How about sick people? Or Taylor? That's the debate this week: WHO'S THE WORST PERSON TO SIT NEXT TO ON A FLIGHT?
Who is the worst person to sit next to on a plane? Christine Little
7 years ago
We've got a real Fartist joining us this week, Paul Flart, to debate when it's okay to fart in a relationship, plus how to best conceal a fart: WHEN IS IT OKAY TO FART IN A RELATIONSHIP? HOW DO YOU BEST CONCEAL A FART?
When is it okay to fart in a relationship? Paul Flart
7 years ago
Guys rarely talk about what they like or don't like in female fashion because our opinions on the matter generally don't. But we give it to you anyway this week: WHAT'S THE BEST FEMALE FASHION TREND?
What's the best female fashion trend? Pierre Arnold III
7 years ago
Even though Taylor disagrees, over 90% of all animals that ever existed on Earth have gone extinct, mostly without human intervention. The debate this week is: SHOULD CERTAIN ANIMALS GO EXTINCT?
Should certain animals go extinct? Ali Spagnola
7 years ago
Should plastic straws be banned? Or alternatively, how badly do you want wood pulp in your diet? That's the debate this week: SHOULD PLASTIC STRAWS BE BANNED?
Should plastic straws be banned? Bradley Laborman
7 years ago
This week's debate: - Re-release of Jon Schnepp's episode with Rucka Rucka Ali, Mikey Bolts and Maddox
7 years ago
What's the best movie monster? Is it unrequited love in "An Affair to Remember"? Or is it Godzilla, The Thing, The Blob or Face Hugger from Alien? Whatever it is, a Helpful Honda dealer is happy to exploit it: WHAT IS THE BEST MOVIE MONSTER?
What's the best movie monster? Banana
7 years ago
Is soccer a dumb shitty sport for stupid idiots? Jarrell Pyro Johnson
7 years ago
What's the scariest movie of all time (if you're a huge pussy)? Shawn Coss
7 years ago
Is plastic surgery false advertising? Would you be pissed if you dated a girl because she had a unibrow and then your kids didn't? I would: IS PLASTIC SURGERY FALSE ADVERTISING?
Is plastic surgery false advertising? Therapist Kelli
7 years ago
Is marketing evil? Brilliant entrepreneur, Vin Clancy, joins us in a debate that veers dangerously close to moral relativism: IS MARKETING EVIL?
Is marketing evil? Vin Clancy
7 years ago
The Ms. America beauty pageant recently ruled to eliminate the swimsuit portion of the contest. Is this a response to PC culture? Is beauty still relevant? That's part of the debate this week: SHOULD BEAUTY PAGEANTS HAVE SWIMSUIT CONTESTS?
Should beauty pageants have swimsuit contests? Lauren Francesca
7 years ago
If you've ever been cornered by a Beatles fan at a party, you can only think of one thing: how can I eject from this conversation? That's because people who are smart like me think the Beatles are overrated, or are they? That's the debate: ARE THE BEATLES OVERRATED?
Are the Beatles overrated? Dustin Sussman, Mike Gamms
7 years ago
The Internet used to be kinda cool, then it sucked for a while, then I started a web page and it became very cool, and now it's shit again. What's the worst thing about it? That's the debate this week: WHAT'S THE MOST TOXIC THING ABOUT THE INTERNET?
What's the most toxic thing about the Internet? Laci Green
7 years ago
Are you tired of memes? Do you feel like discourse is being dumbed down, or do you think they're always funny like some kind of dipshit? How's that for neutral phrasing? ARE MEMES RUINING THE INTERNET?
Are memes ruining the Internet? Mango Tango
7 years ago
Are dogs dumb as shit? We ask the hard-hitting questions here at Madcast Media. You're welcome. Here's the most neutral way I could think of phrasing the question: ARE DOGS DUMB AS SHIT?
Are dogs dumb as shit? Santina Muha, Mike Capes
7 years ago
Is all Italian food the same shit? Or put in more neutral terms: is there enough variety in Italian food? This isn't a debate about whether or not you like it, it's about whether or not "food" is plural when it comes to Italian cuisine: IS ITALIAN FOOD ALL THE SAME SHIT?
Is all Italian food the same shit? Arin Hanson / Egoraptor
7 years ago
Do nice guys finish last? Or put differently, can good people get ahead? Eric Barker, author of the bestselling "Barking up the Wrong Tree" joins us for the debate: DO NICE GUYS FINISH LAST?
Do nice guys finish last? Eric Barker
7 years ago
After being on the air for two decades, some people are noticing some glaring stereotypes in the long-running animated sitcom, The Simpsons. Specifically with the character Apu, who some contend is an Indian stereotype. So the debate this week is: WHAT'S THE PROBLEM WITH APU?
What's the problem with Apu? Lisa Ullmann
7 years ago
What's the best way to punish a child? There are as many different approaches as there are people on this episode (6)! Yet there's one way that transcends all language and cultural barriers. But it's illegal. So that leads us to the debate: WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO PUNISH A CHILD?
What's the best way to punish a child? Therapist Kelli, Dreadmere
7 years ago
If a train is heading towards a group of pedestrians, but you could switch its track and only hit one person tied to the tracks instead, would you? Which decision is more ethical? That's the trolley problem, and the debate this week is: WHAT IS THE SOLUTION TO THE TROLLEY PROBLEM?
What is the solution to the Trolley Problem? Federico Pistono
7 years ago
A lot of people are deleting Facebook in light of the Cambridge Analytica scandal. But should you? That's the debate this week: SHOULD YOU DELETE FACEBOOK? Also we got into a heated mini-debate about cottage cheese and whether or not you should make your own "fiesta scramble." Make sure to vote on both (latter debate around 30 minutes in).
Should you delete Facebook? Tremain Hayhoe
7 years ago
Virtue signaling is the act of expressing opinions or sentiments that demonstrate one's good character or moral authority on an issue. Is it inherently good? Bad? Neutral? That's the debate: WHAT'S WRONG WITH VIRTUE SIGNALING?
What's wrong with virtue signaling? With guest, Ryan Holiday
7 years ago
Ever hook up with someone hot but out of their mind? I have. That's the debate this week: HOW LONG SHOULD YOU DATE SOMEONE WHO'S HOT BUT CRAZY?
How long should you date someone hot but crazy? Therapist Kelli, Ron Babcock, Dreadmere
7 years ago
One of the most mysterious secret societies throughout history is the Illuminati. There's a lot of bullshit and mysticism surrounding its existence, but when you get right down to it, it's pretty awesome because I'm a member. So the debate this week is: DOES THE ILLUMINATI EXIST?
Does the Illuminati Exist? Rucka Rucka Ali, Dylan Avery, Mike Dee
7 years ago
There's a small but dedicated group of men who've adopted the philosophy of "men going their own way." They eschew romantic interests in favor of their own pursuits. So the debate this week is: SHOULD MEN GO THEIR OWN WAY?
Should men go their own way (MGTOW)? Zach Waldman, Dreadmere
7 years ago
Many people who have kids think they're the best thing ever. Meanwhile guys like me are doing too much cool shit to care. So the debate this week is: ARE KIDS WORTH HAVING?
Are kids worth having? Dr. Debra
7 years ago
Are smartphones making us dumber? Obviously, but some people would disagree with that conclusion, so the debate this week is: ARE SMARTPHONES MAKING US DUMBER OR SMARTER?
Are smartphones making us dumber? James Creech, Dreadmere
7 years ago
Guys and girls find different things that turn them off during dating. This week we discuss those things for each gender with the debate: WHAT'S THE BIGGEST DATING TURNOFF?
What's the biggest turnoff for dating? Therapist Kelli Miller
7 years ago
Did anything suck about the year 2000? Or did the good outweigh the bad? Seems like something big happened that we should remember, so the debate this week is: WHAT SUCKED MOST ABOUT THE 2000s?
What sucked most about the 2000s? Kristen Brancaccio
7 years ago
While a lot of websites that rhyme with "sludge feed" reminisce fondly about the 90s, it's also the decade that gave us Kid Rock, shitty sitcoms and Dave Matthews Band. So the debate this week is: WHAT SUCKED MOST ABOUT THE 90s?
What sucked most about the 90s? Alan Denton, Caitlin Hall, Rucka, Cosmopolitan
7 years ago
What's the best pet? And will anyone vote for anything other than dogs or does this debate stand the chance of fairness? The debate this week: WHAT'S THE BEST PET?
What's the best pet? Brock Baker, Rucka, Elvis Cup, Dutch Cops, Horse Wang
7 years ago
Quantum mechanics is an exciting branch of physics that deals with the properties of the very small. Many of the theories in this field are hotly contested, and some have even left the door open to introduce philosophy into science. That leads us to this week's debate: CAN QUANTUM MECHANICS PROVE REALITY IS SUBJECTIVE?
Can quantum mechanics prove reality is subjective? James Ellias, Rucka, Hawaii Nukes, Dab
7 years ago
Is nostalgia ruining television, or is it sour grapes from people who want to see something new? The awesome writer Alan Denton joins us to debate: IS NOSTALGIA RUINING TV?
Is nostalgia ruining TV? Alan Denton, Rucka, Mikey Bolts, New Nirvana, Fake Dong
7 years ago
One year ago this week, we made predictions for 2017. This episode we revisit those predictions to see how we did, plus we make new predictions for 2018: PREDICTIONS FOR 2018.
2018 Predictions, Jesse P-S, Rucka, 2017 Results, Taco Burger
7 years ago
It's the time of year when everyone's depressed and families make it worse. Or do they? That\s the debate this week: SHOULD YOU GO HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS?
Should you go home for the holidays? Jessica Pikey, Rucka, Utah, Michigan, Skydiving Santa
7 years ago
Companies often throw parties around the holidays and sometimes people want to bring their dates. Is this a good idea? Is it worth the risk of having your date embarrass you or burn your house down? The debate this week: SHOULD YOU BRING DATES TO HOLIDAY PARTIES?
Should you bring dates to holiday parties? Dreadmere, Rucka Ali, Mikey Bolts, Ghosts
7 years ago
What if everyone wanted to be as good looking and smart as me? Does that justify the risks of genetic modification in humans, plants and animals? It's a huge topic with a lot of unforeseen potential consequences. So the debate this week: IS GENETIC MODIFICATION IN HUMANS ETHICAL?
Is human genetic modification ethical, Rob DenBleyker, Rucka, Mikey Bolts, Cyanide and Happiness
7 years ago
We only touched on this issue of net neutrality in the past, so we decided to give it a proper, full-episode debate about net neutrality. Does the other side make a good case? The debate this week: IS NET NEUTRALITY NECESSARY?
Is net neutrality necessary? James Breakwell, Kirk Wilcox, Rucka, Pepsi Crab, Amazon Poop
7 years ago
This week we inadvertently had two amazing debates with our guest, Adam from Your Movie Sucks. The first was about movies that are so bad they're good, so the debate at 2:34 is: WHAT'S THE BEST WORST MOVIE OF ALL TIME? The second debate was about Net Neutrality, which was prompted by a news article at 1:25:13. SHOULD WE KEEP NET NEUTRALITY?
What's the best worst movie? YMS Adam, Your Movie Sucks, Rucka, Net Neutrality Debate, Price Is Right
7 years ago
Many video game companies give consumers extra incentives to purchase games on the release day. Part of the reason is because day-one games can be sold at a premium, but some people feel like day-one incentives are a ripoff. So the debate this week is: ARE DAY-ONE EDITIONS POINTLESS?
Are day one editions pointless? Larry Bundy Jr, Rucka Rucka, Mikey Bolts, Trump, Stewie
7 years ago
Are psychedelic drugs a worthwhile experience? Should you try them despite the risk? That's the debate this week: SHOULD YOU TRY PSYCHEDELICS?
Should you try psychotropics? Comic Book Girl 19, Rucka, Mikey Bolts, Bubonic Plague, CBG19
7 years ago
With so many celebrity scandals in the news lately, we put on our prediction hats to try to guess who'll be next to have a scandal (of any kind). So the debate this week is: PREDICTIONS ON THE NEXT BIG HOLLYWOOD SCANDAL.
Predicting the next big scandal, Erica Rhodes, Rucka, Mikey Bolts, James Tobac, Papa Johns
7 years ago
People are always complaining about horror games, yet can't stop playing them because everyone's an idiot except for me. So the debate this week is: WHAT'S A HORROR GAME THAT DOESN'T SUCK SHIT?
What's the best horror game? Alpha Omega Sin, Rucka, Mikey Bolts, Unexpected labor
7 years ago
There are a lot of shitty, pretentious movies and we bring four of them for your consideration this week with the debate: WHAT IS THE MOST OVERRATED MOVIE OF ALL TIME?
Most overrated movies of all time, Chris Ray Gun, Rucka, Mikey Bolts, Crab Nuts, Twitter prison
7 years ago
A New York Times article recently outed Harvey Weinstein as a sexual predator who has paid off his victims for over a decade. This caused some to question his eligibility for future awards. So the debate is: SHOULD SEXUAL PREDATORS BE ELIGIBLE FOR AWARDS?
Should sexual predators be eligible for awards, Tremain Hayhoe, Rucka, Malawi Vampires, Forced VaccinationTremain Hayhoe
7 years ago
Are urban legends all equally stupid? No. Unless the voting has a 4-way tie this week. Only one way to find out: WHAT'S THE DUMBEST URBAN LEGEND OF ALL-TIME?
What's the Dumbest Urban Legend, Caitlin Hall, Rucka, Mikey Bolts, FDA Love Ban
7 years ago
For our 69th episode, we decided to do a round-table debate: WHAT IS THE MOST OVERRATED SEX POSITION?
Overrated Sex Positions, Ela Darling, Dreadmere, Rucka, Mad Pooper, Swinger Foul
7 years ago
Kids hate going to school because they're idiots, but do they have a point? School kinda does suck, but without it, the foundations of democracy wouldn't work, so says one handsome badass named Maddox. So the debate this week: SHOULD SCHOOL BE MANDATORY?
Should education be mandatory? Robby, Rucka, Mikey Bolts, Melania Trump, Pepe the Frog
8 years ago
Some cities claim to have rivalries, but a particular one that exists (albeit coming from one direction) is New York vs LA. Michael Malice defends NY in the debate this week: WHICH IS A BETTER CITY: NY OR LA?
NY vs LA, Michael Malice, Mikey Bolts, Rucka's video, Cannibals, New book
8 years ago
For years I've railed against McDonald's, likening their food to "pig shit" and garbage. This episode I get roped into DEFENDING them! So the debate this week is: SHOULD YOU EAT MCDONALD'S (BASED ON MADDOX'S ARGUMENTS)?
Roped into DEFENDING McDonald's, Mike Gamms, Rucka, Mikey Bolts, Log Jam
8 years ago
A dayworker was recently caught breastfeeding a child in her care on a security camera. She was suspended and possibly faces criminal charges. So the debate this week is: IS IT OKAY TO BREASTFEED A STRANGER'S BABY?
Should you breastfeed a stranger's child? Caitlin Hall, Rucka, Mikey Bolts, Antifa, Coffin selfies, V-surgery
8 years ago
There are a lot of shtity cults in the world, but on this week's episode, we decide which one's the shittiest, and why is it Steampunk? The debate this week: WHAT'S THE WORST CULT?
What's the worst cult, Nick Mardi, Sarah Lea, Rucka, Mikey Bolts, Tortoise CPR
8 years ago
Former Google engineer James Damore wrote a controversial memo regarding forced diversity and quotas in the workplace. Part of it included an argument that women are biologically less suited for engineering and leadership roles. The article got a huge backlash and Google fired him. So the debate this week is: WAS GOOGLE RIGHT TO FIRE THE ENGINEER FOR THE MEMO HE WROTE?
Was Google right to fire the engineer? Jamie Pine, Rucka, Mikey's promotion, Thai Grandma
8 years ago
Some dipshit 9-year-old sent a letter to NASA thinking he has a shot in hell at being a micro-biologist. Then some other idiot kid wanted to mow a billionaire's lawn for free. So the debate this week is: ARE KIDS STUPID IDIOTS WHO SHOULD STFU?
Are kids stupid idiots who should STFU? Austin Blank, Rucka, Mikey Bolts, Martin Shkreli, Poles
8 years ago
With video game realism at an all-time high, experiences you have in games are becoming more real and visceral. Some of those experiences are sexual in nature, which is leading to new ethical debates, such as: IS VIDEO GAME SEX CHEATING?
Is video game sex cheating, Lyle McDouchebag, Rucka, Mikey Bolts, Dog Poop, Cookies
8 years ago
Many pepole criticize SJW culture as being overly sensitive and delicate snowflakes. But more and more, there's criticism that the anti-SJW side is just as outraged and reactionary. So the debate this week is: ARE ANTI-SJWS THE NEW SJWS?
Are anti-SJWs the new SJWs? Destiny / Steve, Rucka, Svetlana, Mikey, Monkeys, Chick-Fil-A, #GamerGate
8 years ago
Some people think the next logical step in a relationship is moving in, while others think it's the start of the end of a relationship. The debate this week is: DOES LIVING TOGETHER DOOM A RELATIONSHIP?
Will living together doom your relationship, Zach Waldman, Rucka, Mikey, Stern
8 years ago
Recently Trump tweeted a GIF of CNN getting body slammed and CNN tracked down the user who created it, but decided not to publish his name since the user apologized. Then CNN added that they reserve the right to publish his name "should any of [his apology] change." So that leads us to the debate this week: DID CNN CROSS THE LINE?
Mike D, Did CNN cross the line?, Rucka, Mikey Bolts, Wimbledon Ants, Nathan's Hot Dog Contest
8 years ago
Urban Dictionary defines a trap as a pre-op transwoman who is so hot that when you find out she's "packing heat," you just don't care. So the debate this week is: ARE TRAPS GAY?
Blaire White, Joey Sarson, Rucka, Are Traps Gay, Jake Paul, Vidcon
8 years ago
With the rise of ethnic, racial or sexual identity politics, it has lead some to wonder whether or not "white identity" should exist. So that leads us to the debate this week: SHOULD WHITE IDENTITY EXIST?
Sargon of Akkad, Should White Identity Exist? Rucka, Anita Sarkeesian, Vidcon
8 years ago
Michelle Carter, the girl who was at the center of a coerced suicide case has finally been judged as guilty of manslaughter. The ACLU has decried the ruling as having a potentially chilling effect on free speech. So the debate this week is: IS SHE GUILTY OR IS IT FREE SPEECH?
Is Michelle Carter guilty of coerced suicide? Joey Salads, Rucka, Mikey Bolts, 29lb poop
8 years ago
There's more and more drama on YouTube every month. Much of it is contrived and fake, but almost all of it universally gets views. Over time, this may erode trust in viewership as people realize their content is fake. So the debate this week is: IS DRAMA RUINING YOUTUBE?
Is drama ruining YouTube, Chad Wild Clay, Rucka, Mikey Bolts, Chimpanzee Rights, Nirvana
8 years ago
Music festivals suck. Or do they? I muster up my deepest curmudgeon this episode to determine once and for all: ARE MUSIC FESTIVALS STUPID PIECES OF SHIT THAT ARE A HUGE WASTE OF TIME?
Are music festivals stupid? Caitlin Hal, Rucka, Mikey Bolts, Wasp Cream, Deadly Kites
8 years ago
What is the manliest haircut of all time? Is it manlier to cut some of your hair, like some kind of moderate, or all of it like a badass? You decide: WHAT IS THE MANLIEST HAIRCUT OF ALL TIME?
What is the manliest haircut, Robert Benfer, Rucka, Mikey, Whales, Anti-vaxxers, Mass Effect, Lesbians
8 years ago
Who is the best action movie star of all time? Professional wrestler John Morrison and I, two heavyweights of action films, have a debate to decide once and for all: WHO IS THE BEST ACTION HERO STAR OF ALL TIME?
Who is the best action movie star, John Morrison, Rucka, Mikey, Tennis Sex, Didgeridildo
8 years ago
Who is the biggest douchebag in the universe: Round 2. We're keeping the thread from last week going with the question: WHO IS THE BIGGEST DOUCHEBAG IN THE UNIVERSE?
The biggest douchebag in the universe #2, Marc Andreyko, Rucka, Mikey, Miles Tiller, Kevin Smith, Gwyneth Paltrow, Rick Brattin, Literally Hitler
8 years ago
Who is the biggest douchebag in the universe? Here at Best Debate, we often have a douchebag of the week, but this time we're going for a douchebag of a larger scale: the universe. The question: WHO IS THE BIGGEST DOUCHEBAG IN THE UNIVERSE?
The biggest douchebag in the universe, Jesse P-S, Rucka, Mikey, Gandhi, Bill Nye, Payton Manning, Bono
8 years ago
Bill Nye, the Science Guy recently launched a new Netflix series called, "Bill Nye Saves the World." It's a show for adults that's unabashedly political. In episode 9, he tackled "the sexual spectrum," which stirred up a great debate on the Internet. So the debate this week is: IS GENDER ON A SPECTRUM?
Is gender a spectrum? Mischa Pollack, Rucka, Mikey Bolts, Bill Nye Science Cuck, Cruise Ship
8 years ago
Recently a murder was broadcast live on Facebook by murderer, Steve Stephens. The video stayed up for over 2 hours and racked up over 150,00 views, which caused outrage and prompted people to ask why Facebook didn't have safeguards in place to prevent this. So the debate this week is: SHOULD ALGORITHMIC CENSORSHIP BE ALLOWED?
Should we allow algorithmic censorship? Leroy Patterson, Rucka, Mikey, Smuggled Semen, Condom Clog, Tarzan
8 years ago
It's 4/20 this week, which means two things: it's Hitler's birthday, and it's the day that pot-smokers around the US protest anti-marijuana laws. So the debate this week is: SHOULD POT BE LEGALIZED?
Should pot be legalized? Mike Gamms, Rucka, Mikey, Fck Whales, Salad bat, Pet Bird
8 years ago
At a Vatican conference recently, China's health minister got some heat for not being transparent enough when it comes to its country's history with using executed prisoner organs. So the debate this week is: SHOULD PRISONER ORGANS BE HARVESTED?
Should prisoner organs be harvested? Lyle McDouchebag, Rucka, Mikey, iPhone song, Jungle Book
8 years ago
Journalist Kurt Eichenwald recently had a man arrested for sending him a GIF that induced a seizure. That started a debate on whether or not you can assault someone with a GIF. So the debate this week is: CAN YOU ASSAULT SOMEONE WITH A GIF?
Can GIFs kill you? Ron Babcock, Rucka, Mikey, Ozzy Gifts, Seizures, Cristiano Ronaldo, WSJ
8 years ago
Warner Brothers recently announced that they were rebooting "The Matrix." With so many movies constantly being rebooted, and most of them sucking the LD, it leads us to the debate this week: SHOULD MOVIES BE REBOOTED?
Should The Matrix be rebooted, Ashley Esqueda CNET, Rucka, Mikey, Jet Pack, Gay Moments, Altruism
8 years ago
City life or country life? Which is better? We weigh the pros and cons of each this week in a classic debate: CITY VS RURAL?
City vs Country, Leah Tiscione, Rucka, Mikey, Trump Tweets, Dildo Controversy
8 years ago
This week's debate: The infamous Infowars host, Alex Jones, has appeared in the headlines recently due to his erratic outbursts and theories that are far-fetched, even for him. So the debate this week is: HAS ALEX JONES LOST HIS MIND?
Has Alex Jones lost his mind, Some Black Guy, Rucka, Mikey, Trump Tweets, Brotherly Love
8 years ago
This week's debate: with so many people feeling uneasy about everything from politics to pizza, some with weaker resolves are fearing the end. The debate this week is: WHO PITCHED THE MOST LIKELY DOOMSDAY SCENARIO?
This week's debate: with so many people feeling uneasy about everything from politics to pizza, some with weaker resolves are fearing the end. The debate this week is: WHO PITCHED THE MOST LIKELY - Chad Kultgen, How will it end, Doomsday, Rucka Wrap-up, Mikey as Trump, Dominos Sausage
8 years ago
Iceland's president recently announced that he would ban pineapple as a pizza topping if he could. So the debate this week: IS PINEAPPLE AN ACCEPTABLE TOPPING?
Jesse PS, Is pineapple an acceptable pizza topping, Rucka, Mikey Bolts, Menstrual Glue
8 years ago
When people compromise when it comes to dating, it's usually with regards to either intelligence or physical beauty. So the debate this week is, - Lauren Francesca, Intelligence vs Attraction, Rucka, Mikey Bolts, North Korean Assassin, Unpresidented Spelling, Speed
8 years ago
This week's debate: - Tim Pool, Is Violence Free Speech, Rucka, David Kirsh, Human Ken Doll, Skull Cockroach
8 years ago
This week's debate: - Dreadmere, Rucka, Mikey Bolts, Cartwheel Teacher
8 years ago
This week's debate: - Jon Schnepp, Slayer, Rucka, Mikey Bolts, Exploitating Nerd Culture, 300 cups of coffee
8 years ago
This week's debate: - Mike D, With Rucka, Mikey Bolts, Angry Librarian
8 years ago
This week's debate: - Chris Ray Gun, Nintendo Switch, Rucka, Mikey Bolts, Swastika Boots, Prison Smuggler
8 years ago
This week we debate the age-old question: - Is Cheating A Dealbreaker, T&A Talksex, Christina, Stephanie, Rucka, Mikey Bolts, Pet Deer
8 years ago
Whose predictions seem more likely to come true?
This week we make predictions for the new year, and want you to vote on whose predictions seem more likely to come true: RUCKA OR MADDOX? You'll have to listen to the episode first to hear the predictions. - 2017 Predictions, Moderator in Training, Rucka Rucka, Armenian Action Figure, ETC Show recap, Nazi Gold
8 years ago
There's so much fake news floating around on social media, that some have proposed adding labels or outright censoring them from appearing in people's feeds so prominently. The debate this week is: - Don Caldwell, Know Your Meme, Fake News Labels, Rucka's New Album, Orangutan Broadsword Battle
8 years ago
Russia has been implicated by 17 US agencies for releasing hacked emails that may have influenced the US election. So the debate this week is: - Eliot Dewberry, ETC Show, Rucka's Dago Song, Sean's Hiatus, Russia making US its bitch, Unpresidented
8 years ago
The 80s seem to have made a resurgance in a big way. Every 20 or 30 years, fashions and styles of decades past will make a comeback, and we seem to be in the midst of one from the 80s. So the debate this week: - Jessica Safron, Adam Dravian, 80s, Satan Ninja, 2-headed Shark, Priest Massage, PizzaGate, Jason Segal
8 years ago
Most people consume their music today by using streaming apps like iTunes, Spotify or Pandora. Some artists like Taylor Swift and Adele have denounced streaming, which leads us to this week's debate: - Dia Frampton, Is Streaming For Suckers, Rucka, OSU Stabbing, #Pizzagate, Giftbag
8 years ago
Many people have stated that 2016 has been the worst year of their lives, from celebrity deaths to terrorist attacks (so... non-celebrity deaths). The debate this week is: - Joe Hartzler, 2016 worst year, Rucka, Fidel Castro, Aussie Underwear Hero, Indiana
8 years ago
Nintendo has announced the NES Mini console with 30 built-in games this holiday season. Sega's firing back by putting the Genesis back into production. So the debate this week is: - Kirk Wilcox, Sega vs Nintendo, Hamilton, Rucka, Santa Splat, Trump Cups
8 years ago
Should we get rid of the electoral college?
A lot of people are pissed off (mostly the left) that Donald Trump won the presidency because Hillary won the popular vote. So the debate this week is: - Joe Hanson, Electoral College Debate, Trump Hillary Aftermath, Mark Zuckerberg, Marijuana Butter, Rucka Promotion
8 years ago
Who Should Be The Next Us President?
This is the big one--the one and only debate episode that tackles the election this season. I only wanted to talk about this once on the show, so here it is: - Jesse P-S, Rucka, The one and only Hillary Trump debate, Gov Gary Johnson, Starbucks Cop, Regressive Party, Mom block
8 years ago
Are Halloween costumes getting too offensive, or are people getting too sensitive? There seems to be a growing backlash, and a backlash to the backlash. The debate this week is: - Ricky Hayberg, Rucka, Offensive Halloween Costumes, ETC Show, Candid, Clowns, Braces
8 years ago
There seems to be a growing distrust of the news during this election cycle, especially the so-called "mainstream media." The debate this week is, - Dylan Avery, Loose Change, Alternate News, Rucka, Comfort Duck, Meteor Strike
8 years ago
Several activist groups have proposed legislation that forces porn stars to wear condoms. SHOULD PROP 60 PASS?
Several activist groups have proposed legislation that forces porn stars to wear condoms. The opponents of the law object to performers having to register their legal names which could give rise to stalking and harassment, and push the porn industry underground where there is less scrutiny. So the debate this week is: SHOULD PROP 60 PASS? - Ela Darling, Prop 60, Rucka, Condoms, Ken Bone, Alex Trebek, Nerdcore
8 years ago
Voter turnout regularly dips below 60% - Does voting even matter?
Voter turnout regularly dips below 60% in the US, and lower than 34% in some states. With more people feeling disenfranchised due to the electoral college, it raises the question: DOES VOTING EVEN MATTER? - Michael Malice, Does Voting Matter, Rucka, Lost Dildos, 102-year-old arrest, Stewie Douche
8 years ago
Is cutting the cable worth it, or will consumers end up spending more in the long run?
Cable TV is estimated to lose nearly $1 billion next year. With more and more people cutting the cable and turning to alternatives like Netflix, Hulu and Amazon, the debate this week is: - Michael Capes, Jesse Podawful, Rucka, Cutting the Cable, Amazon Rifle, Gator Hand, Space Music
8 years ago
Is it acceptable to debate the national anthem and your country's flag?
US football player Colin Kaepernick recently protested against police brutality in America by taking a knee during the national anthem. So the question this week is: - Mike Gamms, Colin Kaepernick, Fart Boxes, Five-second-rule, Lost Bets
8 years ago
Are food regulations necessary, or will the market correct itself?
Candidate Trump recently called for the elimination of food regulations, and then promptly deleted the declaration from his website. But not before people debated the merits of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The debate this week is: - FDA debate, Wayland McQueen, Rucka, Walmart Heist, Lemonade Stand Theft, Found Cocain
9 years ago
Which is a better phone platform? iPhone / iOS or Android?
Apple has officially announced the iPhone 7 with one huge notable omission: no 3.5mm headphone jack. Many critics have suggested going to Android, which raises the question: - Blake Vapes, Rucka's Armenian Song, iPhone 7 vs Android, Punched Babies, Italian Wankers
9 years ago
YouTube is facing a backlash because they're disabling monetization for controversial videos. Will this cause censorship?
YouTube is facing a backlash because they're disabling monetization for controversial videos. Google says that this has been its policy all along, but now they're just being transparent about it. It spawned the #YouTubeIsOver hashtag to trend, causing a lot of outrage from big creators on the site. The question this week is: WILL THIS CAUSE CENSORSHIP? - YouTube Censorship, Michael Malice, Rucka Rucka, Brock Turner, Honduras Miracle, No Mario's Sky
9 years ago
Do trigger warnings and safe spaces belong on college campuses?
The University of Chicago recently announced that the school officially does not support "trigger warnings" and "safe spaces." The question this week is: - Trigger Warnings, Kristen Brancaccio, Robin Higgins, Rucka Rucka, Gay Farmers, Crappy Children's Artwork
9 years ago
Should sexual assault victims always go to the police, or is it pointless?
Comedian Aaron Glaser was banned from Upright Citizen's Brigade in New York for sexual assault allegations without knowing who the accusers are or whether or not they've even gone to the police. - Jesse P-S PodAwful, Rucka Ali, Comedian Rape Allegations, Amy Schumer, Kurt Metzger, Aaron Glaser, Olympic Penis, Subway Hero, Deez Nuts
9 years ago
Should students be allowed to choose to live with poc or is it discrimination?
Students in California recently advertised for a roommate, only they had a restriction: no white people. The ad said only POC (people of color) should apply. The question this week is: - Wry Mantione, Rucka, Renting to People of Color, Metroid 2 Remake, Water Park Decapitation
9 years ago
Should college tuition be free?
One of the platforms of runner-up presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders, was that college tuition should be free. The question this week is: - Taylor Nikolai, Rucka, Free College Tuition, Race Wars, Hot Corvette Mom, Snoop Dog
9 years ago
Should ex-offenders have the right to vote?
The Virginia Supreme Court recently ruled that the governor doesn't have the right to restore voting for ex-offenders. The question this week is: - Prisoner Voting, Rucka, Mikey Bolts, Austin Blank, Marina Joyce, English Bulldogs, Soup
9 years ago
Is it good to ban people who harass others or is it a violation of free speech?
Conservative commentator, Milo Yiannopoulos got banned permanently from Twitter recently for targeting Ghostbusters actress, Leslie Jones, to online harassment and abuse. The question this week is: - Erin Tillman, Rucka Rucka Ali, Milo Yiannopoulos Twitter Ban, Threesomes, #blackcoffeematters
9 years ago
The debate this week is about Pokemon Go: it has over 65 million downloads, so naturally it's going to have its critics. I masterfully debate both sides of the issue.
Some idiots are falling off cliffs, getting stabbed and annoying people in holocaust museums. IS POKEMON GO WORTH THE RISK? - Jacqui Duncan, Rucka Rucka Ali, Pokemon Go, Badass Eagles, Jammed Guns
9 years ago
This week, we debate the decision to make Sulu in the upcoming Star Trek movie gay. Surprisingly, one of the biggest critics of the decision comes from George Takei himself; the gay actor who played the original character.
The character Sulu from Star Trek was announced to be gay in the upcoming movie. IS THIS PROGRESSIVE OR IS IT EXPLOITIVE? - Ryan Holiday, Robin Higgins, Star Trek Gay Sulu, Honest Cabbies, First Class Husbands
9 years ago
This week's debate involves a despicable type of human: a person who presents themselves as an angel in the public eye, but is secretly heinous. The person? Michelle Carter, who encouraged a boy she was dating to take his life. Is she to blame?
In 2014, a girl named Michelle Carter encouraged her then-boyfriend to kill himself. IS SHE RESPONSIBLE FOR HIS DEATH? - Robin Higgins, Mikey Bolts, Forced Suicide, Tesla Autopilot, WTAE anchor
9 years ago
The UK bids adiEU to the European Union. Was it a sick-ass diss in the face of overbearing regulation and heavy-handed immigration policies, or was it fiscal suicide, throwing the currency into free-fall with no guaranteed economic advantages?
Was it a good idea for the UK to split from the EU? - Brexit, Lord Matthew, Ron Babcock, Tom Philips, E3
9 years ago
This week: Disney World Alligators, my psychotic neighbor assaults someone with a bottle (and I brought in the audio of it), and I'm joined by satirist, Rucka Rucka Ali who moderates the debate.
Who's at fault for the alligator attack? - Alligator attack at Disney, Armenian Stereotypes, Joe Hanson, E3
9 years ago
This week: The Patient Right-To-Die act, my psychotic neighbor assaults someone with a bottle (and I brought in the audio of it), and I'm joined by satirist, Rucka Rucka Ali who moderates the debate.
Should terminally-ill patients have the right-to-die on their own terms? - Patient Right-To-Die Law, Psycho Neighbor, Rucka Rucka Ali
9 years ago
Welcome to the debut episode of The Best Debate in the Universe.
Is the backlash against the new Ghostbusters movie mostly just SEXISM? - First episode, Ghostbusters 2016, X-Men Billboard
9 years ago
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